Friday, 14 March 2014

A Busy Month, Hair Dye and a Broken Jaw

So I have been mega busy all through February and it has made me become a lazy blogger (also nothing interesting happens if you are constantly working and then sleeping). However I feel like I need to start March off with a quick life update to kick start my writing again.

So firstly this month I experimented with a semi-permanent dye to keep my hair bright in between root touch-ups. I decided to use the Bleach London hair dyes because they look really cool (probably a silly reason but oh well) and I really enjoy the way it massively brightens my hair without affecting my hairs condition. Just make sure you have old towels to dry your hair because it does stain when wet, and buy some cheap gloves because it doesn't come with any.

See they just look so cool! tangerine dream is a red-ish orange which fades in a couple of washes to a lighter orange.

My hair freshly dyed today. I looked a a photo of when I first dyed it in November and it is SO long now its exciting! Motivating to keep growing it.
So my slightly strange smile in the photo above is probably due to my next update. Last Thursday I was feeling a little ill, and whilst shopping in Morrisons I suddenly felt really sick. Turns out that feeling sick and sweaty and blurry vision actually means you are going to faint not be sick. I learnt that the hard way, by falling hard onto the concrete and smashing my face up.

Turns out I broke my jaw, cut my chin right down to the bone and chipped four teeth. Very dramatic. After a night in hospital, three stitches and a weekend of feeling very sorry for myself I am now back to my normal self. Except I still need to get my teeth fixed, which I am looking forward to because broken teeth suck, and dreading because pain. 

So now my life revolves around the fact that I can't eat any food that requires chewing and look slightly awkward when I smile... Although its going to be a long time before I can eat a burger so I don't really have many reasons to smile...

Lovely get well soon flowers from my friend Ella (who had the traumatic experience of a fainting friend) and orchids from my Mum and Dad. These definitely brightened me up!

The lilies are flowering now and they are beautiful, I love lilies they are probably my favorite cut flower.

My chin stitches are now out and I am going to have a scar to commemorate the occasion!

So that is pretty much what has happened to me this month. (probably a lot more happened but breaking your jaw tends to overshadow other stuff).
I am actually pretty busy these next few weeks, I am visiting Glasgow next weekend to see Fall Out Boy which is mega exciting (!) and at the end of the month I am going home for an Easter break. So I will try and take some photos for here to keep you updated.

OH I also wrote a blog post on my science blog yesterday that I am quite proud of, check it out here and I will love you (also its interesting)

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