Growing your hair out is such a pain. I have avoided it for years by slowly getting my hair cut shorter and shorter, but last Christmas I decided it was time for a change and took the leap. The top photo is my hair last summer, and the two bottom photos are of my hair a few weeks ago, and as you can see it really has got much longer! I thought I would share my tips for growing hair (ps. you might have seen in my graduation blog that my hair is now brown, so excuse the dodgy blond in the photos!).
Appreciate the difference
I think its good to look back at pictures to see how much your hair has changed to keep the motivation and resist the urge to chop it all off again. It is easy to get frustrated and think it will never reach the length you want it, so remind yourself how quickly it actually changes.
Set hair goals
And make them achievable. Going from a pixie cut to elbow length hair is going to take years, and you will likely get bored before then. I have decided I want to get all of my hair to the same length so that it looks less messy and then grow it to just above my shoulders.
Change your hair products
When I had really short hair I used to style it using gel. Using gel now would just make my hair feel sticky and horrible. I have recently discovered sea salt spray and love the texture it gives my hair at this length. If you are getting frustrated with styling your hair it may be that you just need to switch up your hair routine.
And finally, have patience. Seriously, you can search for as many weird treatments for hair growth online, but I highly doubt they will make any noticeable difference. Just eat healthily, browse pinterest for hair goals, and wait.